This blog is now part of a new practice called The Superhero's Way, more at the bottom of the page...but we still love MAGIC!

Magic is the everyday realization of those moments of "Oh wow!" we expect from fiction and films, when we see something we wish would be true in our own lives. Magic means we don't have to wish anymore...

You is something you DO, not believe!

Magic is the thing that makes us tingle, lights our fire, or comes to mind like a breath of fresh air. It opens your heart.

What is your favorite thing? How it makes you feel is what magic feels like.

Magic is not waiting for something to happen because you made a wish. It’s more like making the wish and living according to it at the same time.

Magic is all around us. We are not accustomed to saying that because we rarely slow down to notice the wonders created by nature, human ingenuity, or both.

Magic is a purposeful exchange of energy, not a power or an accident. We all make magic everyday, the learning is to embrace it!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Donald, the Damage and the Do-Over

I think there is at least a little part in each of us that tries to agree with Trump.Why? Because it’s safer. No, not saying that he’s safe to have in office. Rather the opposite, that he is the sort of person we learned very early that it was dangerous to disagree with. The ultimate Pig Parent, if you will...

Johan Wahlstrom "Women Should Be Punished"

For years I have tried to communicate the notion that what I will call the “vocal right” actually dupes and abuses the public by using a tone of voice and style of speaking that echoes a particular variety of child abuse to manipulate large numbers of voters into the service of the oligarchy against their own best interest. Most of us learned as kids to shuffle along with at least some of this idiocy because one refused at their own peril, so just give yourself credit for being here. And hopefully learning not to respond to the triggers once we remember we are safe now.

Finally, we have the proof  - Donald Trump’s debate performance was a perfect, validated example of how someone can say nothing of truth or substance -- with authority. Did anybody not say “WTF?” when he muttered the aside about a 400 pound hacker in bed?  Americans, you will not be struck dead for admitting to yourself, or saying out loud - “that’s insane.”

Let this be a wake-up call for voters and help all of us heal from the divisive and destructive behavior of theses wingnuts with 3-year-old minds in adult bodies. Imagine a giant toddler picking up the Earth to smash it to pieces… and take it away!