This blog is now part of a new practice called The Superhero's Way, more at the bottom of the page...but we still love MAGIC!

Magic is the everyday realization of those moments of "Oh wow!" we expect from fiction and films, when we see something we wish would be true in our own lives. Magic means we don't have to wish anymore...

You is something you DO, not believe!

Magic is the thing that makes us tingle, lights our fire, or comes to mind like a breath of fresh air. It opens your heart.

What is your favorite thing? How it makes you feel is what magic feels like.

Magic is not waiting for something to happen because you made a wish. It’s more like making the wish and living according to it at the same time.

Magic is all around us. We are not accustomed to saying that because we rarely slow down to notice the wonders created by nature, human ingenuity, or both.

Magic is a purposeful exchange of energy, not a power or an accident. We all make magic everyday, the learning is to embrace it!

Monday, November 27, 2017

The Other “Me Too”

Photo by Mark Wiener, 11/28/11
We can think of shame and scandal as forcing change, as may be happening among certain individuals whose sexual misbehavior is being exposed.

Yet, in recent months, I have also noticed a surge of old school politeness among men towards women - giving seats on the subways, holding doors, offering to carry bags, even walking aside to pass me on the street side of the sidewalk. I also see more people reaching out to beggars on the street and just plain being “nicer.” Perhaps it’s those little changes that make the bigger ones possible, not the other way around.

We are all a part of this. We all can take a breath and be a bit more kind, patient, giving, accepting, helpful, and loving in our daily lives. Your smile and a thank you will make YOUR day too, when you receive a courteous gesture. That’s how change really happens.

Want to make a better world? Me too…